Today many LightSheer lasers with recalibrated heads are available in the market.

Results of such laser hair removal treatments are poor or very poor. Sometimes, a treatment performed with an allegedly original device turns out to be completely ineffective. To learn more, please read "How not to get conned”.


In the world's market there are many devices for hair removal. Unfortunately, most of them are cheap, ineffective substitutes of the branded system we present. To meet your expectations and follow technological progress, we offer a full range of hair removal lasers. We have all types of the LightSheer lasers, including XC and Duet models. With such diversified devices and more than 15 years of experience, we individually select a laser type even for the most demanding and difficult cases.


The LightSheer laser has been recognised as the most effective device in the market for removing unwanted hair, which has been proved by numerous clinical tests conducted in the US.

Studio Laser
Studio Laser

ONE HAIR REMOVAL TREATMENT HERE = several treatments elsewhere

Studio Laser

 The LightSheer diode laser was awarded the prestigious Golden Laurel of Cosmetology 2014 in the best device for permanent hair removal category.

Studio Laser
Studio Laser

Unwanted hair causes frustration both among healthy people and those who suffer from various hormonal disorders.

The need to remove hair effectively and permanently from different body parts is very common. Before laser hair removal was developed and then improved, electrolysis and thermolysis (electrocoagulation) had been the only way to remove hair permanently. During such process each hair is removed separately so multiple treatments are needed. Furthermore, such treatments are very painful and can lead to skin cicatrisation.

Shaving, pulling hair out or chemical depilators allow to obtain satisfying but really short-term results – for a few days or weeks. What is more, the skin is often strongly irritated; allergic reactions, folliculitis or ingrowing hair occur.

Lately, photoepilation with IPL devices is getting more and more popular. Hair removal with light requires a series of about 10-12 treatments. It causes that hair is weaker, lighter and thinner but it doesn't remove it permanently. After a series of treatments, 3-4 months later, about 80% of hair regrows so long-term effects are very poor.

Innovative solutions in laser hair removal allow to destroy hair follicles permanently without any skin injuries. The laser method doesn't require irradiation of every follicle separately so hair from bigger body parts is removed fast.


Studio Laser


Studio Laser

The laser treatment is satisfying if suitable devices are used.The laser treatment is satisfying if suitable devices are used.

There are four laser systems available in Poland but their efficiency varies:


Laser typeWavelengthEnergy usedImpulse durationDiameter of laser radiationResults after 4 treatments
Ruby laser694nm10-60J/cm20,5-22ms4x10mm20-60%
Alexandrite laser755nm25-40J/cm22-40ms5x10mm80%
Diode laser800nm10-100J/cm230-400ms

ET, ST 9x9mm,
XC 12x12mm,
HS 22x35mm


Yag laser1064nm2,5-4J/cm215-50ms20-32mm44-66%


An American expert in laser medicine, Dr Rox Anderson, confirms that the LightSheer diode laser is the most effective device for permanent laser hair removal. It works similarly to the ruby and alexandrite laser but 800 nm wavelenght of the diode laser allows to penetrate deeper into the epidermis. Histological research has shown that a beam of diode laser thermally destroys a follicle proportionately to its size and the amount of pigmentary elements contained in it, causing its deterioration and atrophy.


Studio Laser


Studio Laser

The American company COHERENT has been operating since 1966, manufacturing laser systems.

Nowadays Coherent is the leader in laser industry. It provides devices which are used both in cosmetology and medicine. All our salons have obtained certificates issued by COHERENT, that means we use only original and working LightSheer lasers.

The LightSheer™ Diode Laser System has a safety and quality certificate (recognised worldwide) issued by the American FDA (Food and Drug Administration).

An 800 nm long laser wave goes 2 mm under the skin.

It operates on the surface and does not affect the functioning of your body. A gentle laser beam gets to the hair follicle and destroys it permanently. If you have decided to do a diode laser treatment, please keep in mind that not all hairs grow at the same pace. Only hairs in the growing phase (anagen) can be removed with the laser. The rest remains in a so-called resting phase which can last for 3-8 weeks. Next, the growing phase starts, this is why laser hair removal needs to be repeated to remove nearly all hair. About 40%-60% of hair is removed after the first treatment, another three treatments increase the result up to 92%. The remaining hair is almost invisible, delicate and light.


If you used other methods of hair removal before the laser treatment (such as wax, tweezer, epilator, IPL, IRF), you may need more treatments to obtain as good results as possible.


Studio Laser


Studio Laser

Before the first treatment you're welcome to visit us for a free consultation and a laser test.

Skin reaction to the laser is a very individual issue. Sometimes erythema or swelling around the hair follicle occurs. Any reddening, small scabs or discolorations disappear after several days. However, they can last for several weeks if your skin is exceptionally sensitive.

If you are interested in our laser hair removal treatments, check the contact details of our salons in WarsawPoznań and Częstochowa.


Studio Laser


Studio Laser